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Fourth OGP National Action Plan 2021 – 2023


The Open Government Partnership program in Tunisia has made it possible to put in place several reforms and initiatives with positive repercussions, both locally and nationally. Since its membership to the OGP initiative, Tunisia has developed and implemented three OGP national action plans over the past six years, and each of these action plans allowed to establish collaboration framework between the government and civil society, at all execution stages of these plans : elaboration, implementation, monitoring and assessment.

In this context, the fourth national action plan is established to reinforce the results already achieved and to further confirm the unequivocal commitment on the part of the Tunisian Government to the principles of the Open Government Partnership initiative.

Arabic version of the 4th National Action Plan of the Open Government Partnership

French version of the 4th National Action Plan of the Open Government Partnership

English version of the 4th National Action Plan of the Open Government Partnership

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